Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Suasana lunch di 'The Manhattan Fish Market'...

First, we celebrate Zaidy's birthday......@ 33 on 16 June 2008. 'Live...long live....for zaidy..'

Staff of Marketing Unit.....2008.

Yang masih muda .....

Yang 'antik' juga ada ...... hehehe....

Where's my food....i'm teribly hungry...oh man...!!!

Antara makanan yang telah dipesan.....hmmmmm...yummy...!!!

Food served in style......

At the end of the story......BigLadyBoss always take charged.
'Eh..you guys, hope u all enjoy the lunch'.
Sudah tentu bos...terima kasih daun keladi, esok-esok belanja .............!!!


UuL said...

wuaaah...gambar makanannya menggoda sekali aunty... jadi pengeen... hueheheheh =D
Foto aunty yang mana sih? Yang pake baju biru? Iya gak?

Anonymous said...

hehe..kak mariyah sits beside me..kenyang gila ..did we ordered the same menu? it was a lovely day yaa!!
thankz to all marketing staff..escp. Pn Linda( our boss yg blanja makan..nyum..nyum..) and thankz to Kak Mariyah for the beautiful cake..